If your budget will allow go with a bit bigger generator than you think will do the job. A bit more power is better than a shortage of power. Keeping in mind this is a long-term purchase. |
Extended Warranty Option
Once again we go above and beyond to provide unmatched value to our customers.
Save money while ensuring piece of mind.
When you purchase your generator from Generator Solutions we will sell the extended warranty to you at a reduced cost. The Generac generator must be maintained by Generator Solutions or a qualified Generac dealer for the entire 5 year term.
For example:
Generator Solutions - Air-cooled price is currently $539.00 while suggested retail is $650.00. The actual retail price varies based on the US exchange rate.
New! 5-Year Extended Warranty Available On Generac, Guardian and Centurion brand products.
You may add this option up to one year from the purchase date. Warranty still starts from the registration date. You must have a maintenance contract in place with an authorized Generac service dealer. Applies to 2008 models and newer.
New 2008 GUARDIAN Air-cooled Automatic Standby Line |
Standard factory warranty is 2 years labour, 3 years parts when you registered on-line.
This warranty adds 2 more years of coverage.
- 4 years parts and labor - 5th year parts only.
- New or installed the Extended Warranty must be purchased within 12 months of initial generator purchase. Proof of purchase date must be provided.
- Extended Warranty begins on date of generator purchase by consumer, not purchase date of Extended Warranty.
- The extended will apply only to units that are entered into a maintenance contract with a certified Guardian or Generac service dealer. Proof of maintenance must be provided at time of claim.
- Unit must be manufactured after April 2008.
Liquid-Cooled Units (50kw and below) |
Standard factory warranty is 2 years labour, 2 years parts.
- 4 years parts and labor - 5th year parts only.
- New or installed the Extended Warranty must be purchased within 12 months of initial generator purchase. Proof of purchase date must be provided.
- Extended Warranty begins on date of generator purchase by consumer, not purchase date of Extended Warranty.
- The extended will apply only to units that are entered into a maintenance contract with a certified Guardian or Generac service dealer. Proof of maintenance must be provided at time of claim.
Liquid-Cooled Units (50kw and above) |
Standard factory warranty is 1 year labour, 2 years parts.
- 4 years parts and labor - 5th year parts only.
- New or installed the Extended Warranty must be purchased within 12 months of initial generator purchase. Proof of purchase date must be provided.
- Extended Warranty begins on date of generator purchase by consumer, not purchase date of Extended Warranty.
- The extended will apply only to units that are entered into a maintenance contract with a certified Guardian or Generac service dealer. Proof of maintenance must be provided at time of claim.